Relationship-reading – understand the invisible/energetic dynamic between you and your partner and/or child. That is, everything that happens between you before even opening your mouth 😉
Gain a better understanding of:
Builds on previous individual reading
Consisting of: compact partner reading (targeted towards the relationship) and an interaction reading (optional as zoom)
2-3 hours of voicemail(s), optional zoom call, and of course possibility for callbacks
Energy balancing: 450 EUR (plus VAT)
Build on previous individual reading
Consisting of: compact readings of the other family members plus a family interaction reading.
via voice message(s), family reading optionally as zoom call, queries via WhatsApp or telegram
Energy compensation: on request
Would you like to become a Human Design Practitioner?
By popular demand, I now offer a 12-week basic training.
This is aimed at all those who want to dive even deeper into the understanding of their own design and learn to live it with ease. At the same time we will transform occurring blockages with THEKI®.
The participants are enthusiastic – and would recommend this training 100% to their friends. Feel free to inquire.
Next course start: May
DISCLAIMER / Information about a Human Design Reading
The session is for higher self-knowledge and DOES NOT REPLACE diagnosis or treatment with a doctor/healer/therapist. No treatments in the medical or therapeutic sense are performed.
It is not advised to interrupt or discontinue other treatments.
Es werden keine Heilversprechen abgegeben. Jeder Klient trägt die volle Eigenverantwortung für die Anwendung des Besprochenen.
Als 6/2 Projektorin war es mir schon immer intuitiv ein Anliegen, anderen Menschen ihre Kraft und Schönheit aufzuzeigen. Das Licht unter den Scheffel stellen ist nicht so meins ;-). Ich mag es bunt und strahlend in dieser Welt. Also lass uns gemeinsam die Magie deiner Energie entfesseln.
Ausserdem bin ich ein Österreichisches Bergbauernkind, welches nach einer langen Runde in der internationalen Wirtschaft (u.a. auf 5 Kontinenten gearbeitet) wieder zurückkommt zur Natur, jahrtausend Jahre altem Wissen und unserer ureigensten inneren Energie.
Ich lebe mit meinem Tiroler Mann Günther und unseren beiden Söhnen im Osten von München.
© 2021-2022, humandesignbykatja. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
© 2021-2023, humandesignbykatja. All rights reserved.